This application is to request assistance for yateem and miskeen children. This program covers children who are either studying or will be studying with this assistance.

The institutions or individuals applying are expected to be law-abiding and only focused on charitable activities.

An overview of this program and commitments will be detailed in another document

To complete the application please attach a government issued ID card or ration card that has the child's photograph, information about the child, family background etc. and any other documents you feel, are needed.

Location needs to be in a rural area or in a slum.
Common public should benefit from the proposed well. Irrespective of religion, caste, creed.
If the well is being built in a Masjid/Maktab, the taps or hand pump need to be accessible by everyone freely without any restrictions.
Well should not be located on a private land.
At least 50% of homes within 1/2 km of this location are below poverty line (white card holders in Andhra
Pradesh, for example).
There is no reliable water source within 1/2 km from this proposed location.
If the plan is to install electric pump, there should be clear responsibility with either a masjid/maktab,
organization, a named individual or a group of named individuals to pay the electricity bills
For all maintenance and repairs, clear responsibility with either masjid/maktab, organization, a named
individual or a group of named individuals.
Names and phone numbers of at least 3 beneficiaries. One person to be an Ameer.
Payments are made directly to companies providing products and services. Via checks, bank transfers or other legal means that can be traced and documented. In general, payments are not made to institutions or individuals facilitating the work.